
Jackie Robinson once said, “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”

When we give our time and resources to something greater than ourselves, we have the power to change the lives of others and ourselves. Baseball provides foundational learning experiences that young athletes can leverage for success throughout their lives. The opportunity to experience baseball in our inner cities is becoming less and less and we want to change the patter so our youth in underserved communities can develop tools for success.

You may not realize it, but people are an organization’s greatest asset. Tiny actions can yield an enormous impact on nonprofit organizations. Here’s a list of six ways you can support The On Deck Circle!

  1. Volunteer Your Time or Services

    Reach out and see how you can make an impact by volunteering your time or your services. If yo have a special talent, you’re willing to share, such as graphic design, grant writing, fundraising, reach out to us and let’s start a conversation to see how you can help. If you have a lot of free time, see which upcoming events we need volunteers for.

  2. Engage with The On Deck Circle on Social Media

    It may be the simplest thing you do today to make a difference: follow The On Deck Circle on social media. In the process, you’ll do your part to help the organization reach more people who may want to donate to, or benefit from, its mission.

    Once you follow The On Deck Circle, all it takes is a couple of clicks to share posts with your followers, comment on a post that catches your eye or send it to someone as a direct message. In other words, your simple clicks help The On Deck Circle touch more lives.

  3. Forward Our Newsletter to a Friend

    The next time you receive an email from The On Deck Circle, consider: Who in your circle needs to know about our mission and initiatives. You can encourage them to sign up for our digital communications. These connections unlock new possibilities!

  4. Make an Introduction

    Partnerships are powerful. Help us connect with others doing similar work. A personal introduction removes barriers and makes collaboration more efficient and thus cost efficient. The more you talk about The On Deck Circle to colleagues, friends, family, acquaintances, or anyone who will listen, the more awareness you spread about us.

  5. Donate Financially

    Remember, even small donations help. It’s easy to get into the mindset that only large amounts make a difference. However, keep in mind that $10,000 is only 400 gifts of $25, or 100 gifts of $100.

    You can also set up automatic subscription-style donations every month. A donation of $10 every month from one person can add up to make a difference.

    Together we can do much more than any of us can do on our own. It really doesn’t take much to make an impact and a real difference in the life of a child.

Venmo: @theondeckcircle